Your Help is Needed

Your Help is Needed

It starts with one. It starts with you.

You can be the one to change a life.

A child right here in your community is in need of support and a safe place to live. You can be the one to provide help and change a life. 

Whether a child is homeless because of the loss of a parent or due to violence, neglect, a family member’s addiction, or other traumatic circumstance, the lack of a safe home puts children at risk for long-term physical, psychological, and emotional harm.

Your investment changes these odds.

When Rafael arrived at Center For Family Services, he had insomnia and severe anxiety. At just 14 years of age, Rafael had a difficult time talking with anyone and preferred to be alone. Through counseling, staff learned of Rafael’s eating disorder and hoarding tendencies.

Your gift will make it possible for a child to find safety and comfort. With your investment, child will receive help with basic needs, the healing process will begin, and opportunities for success will become possible. You can redirect a life and redefine a future.

It starts with one. It starts with you. With your gift, you can help a child like Rafael.

Because of you, relief was available for Rafael.

Caring counselors worked with Rafael for months to discover that his behaviors were the result witnessing severe trauma in his past. He and his brother were victims of an attack, and his brother died shortly after. This left Rafael with feelings of guilt and intense grief. As counselors built trust with Rafael, they realized that that his tendency to hold onto everyday items stemmed from fear and uncertainty of when he would have access to those things again. 

In therapy, he spoke about those feelings and his counselor helped him link them to his behavioral patterns. “I guess I just felt like if I saved enough things I would be prepared the next time something bad happened,” Rafael recalls.

Because of your support, Rafael learned how to address the behaviors he adopted as a trauma response. He received therapy session for anxiety, care for the development of an eating disorder, and even picked up on the small but impactful habit of daily meditation.  

In family therapy sessions, Rafael and his mother didn’t seem to be on the same page and struggled to connect with each other as they worked through their grief. Rafael shut down and his mother became frustrated until one day, a counselor brought out a canvas and some paint.  

Rafael and his mom couldn’t communicate without fighting, but they could paint together. Together they learned that Rafael was able express his feelings through painting, and he opened up about his brother.

When asked about art therapy, Rafael says, “It’s just easier to talk to people when I don’t feel like I have to look them in their eye. Especially my mom because I know she just wants me to talk, too. But it feels better when we’re just painting next to each other.”

Rafael’s mom says they are running out of wall space from all their talks.

Thanks to your support, Rafael is getting help to address his insomnia, eating habits, and the traumatic loss of his brother. Because of you, Rafael and his mother are on the path to healing toward a brighter future. Because of you, Rafael sleeps a little better and expresses his feelings through art, communicating with his mother in a way that he never thought was possible.

There is another child experiencing circumstances similar to Rafaels and your help will make all the difference. You can be the one to provide care and assistance to help a child to heal and thrive.  

Your gift will help a child with:

·         Emergency shelter and the transition to a safe long-term home.

·         Counseling to address grief and traumatic loss and support a path to healing.

·         Educational outings to broaden horizons.

·         Recreational outings that provide the opportunity for fun and joy.

·         Practice with and access to healthy coping mechanisms like art therapy, sports, and music.

·         Activities focused on communication skills, financial literacy, health, and wellness.

·         Books, college visits, and specialized training and educational opportunities.

Without access to these things, a child living in the care of safe homes may find it almost impossible to learn to care for their basic needs and heal from life-altering trauma. Your investment changes the odds. You can support the path to a safe and stable future.

It starts with one. It starts with you. With your gift, you can be the one to make change possible for a child in need of your help. You can be the reason a child can broaden their horizons and experience the positive things our world has to offer. Will you make a $10, $25, $50 or gift in any amount to help a child broaden their horizons and life experience.

The need for your help has never been greater, and your investment will improve the life of a child or a family in need right here in your local community.


You can be the one to provide help

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Your Help is Needed

There is a child like Rafael going to sleep in an emergency shelter tonight and in need of help. You can be the one to provide support when it is needed most.

Your gift will help a child with:

  • emergency shelter and the transition to a safe long-term home;
  • counseling to address grief and traumatic loss and support a path to healing;
  • educational outings that broaden horizons;
  • recreational outings that provide the opportunity for fun and joy;
  • activities focused on communication skills, financial literacy, health, and wellness;
  • driver's education on-road training;
  • books, college visits, specialized trainings, and educational opportunities.

Without your help, a child may find it almost impossible to heal from past grief and traumatic life experiences. Your investment changes the odds. You can support a child's path to a safe and stable future. 

It starts with your gift.

You can be the one to make change possible.

Your gift will not only provide safe housing and ensure that basic needs are met, it will also offer educational outings that broaden horizons, activities focused on building life skills, counseling sessions to help with the healing process, and the chance for people of all ages to connect with educational and employment opportunities.

It starts with one. It starts with you.

Stories of change, because of you.

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