Tranquility House

Tranquility House

Tranquility House is a supervised transitional living program (STLP) that provides safe and supportive housing to young ladies age 16-20 with the goal of building the foundation for independent living. The program is a community-based alternative that helps older femal youth reach their educational and vocational goals. Youth live on their own for 6 to 18 months in a home-like setting while staff provide guidance and help them obtain their own housing.

LGBTQIA+ Affirming - Tranquility House is an LGBTQIA+ affirming home. 

If you are a young person experiencing homelessness and in need of a safe place to live, contact the 24/7 helpline at 800.355.0660.

To make a referral

Phone: 609.465.5045

Referral Information

Referrals are accepted through the Division of Child Protection and Permanency. Priority is given to Cape May County residents, followed by Atlantic and Cumberland Counties. Homeless females from the Perform Care Housing Hub are also eligible. Click here to complete the referral form.


Cape May County, NJ Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection and Permanency
Safe & Supportive Housing