Stepping Stones to Resiliency

Stepping Stones to Resiliency

A family member's addiction can affect everyone in the home with children being among the most vulnerable. Services are available to help you and your child cope, manage grief, build resiliency, and navigate your recovery jouney.

Life can get turned upside down when a parent or another family member struggles with addiction or when the family loses a loved one to an overdose.

Children often feel the impact of these challenging circumstances. Sometimes it can be easy to recognize the signs such as sadness, fear, grief, isolation, sleep issues, or trouble at school. Other times the signs don’t show up right away, but later in life. 

A trained counselor can help you and your family build skills to increase your resilience and protect against long-term impacts.

All services are free and offered in-community or telehealth. Call today to schedule confidential counseling sessions that can help your child cope and build resiliency.

  • Individual, group, and family counseling
  • Short-term, in-home grief services following a family member's overdose
  • Resiliency skills building groups
  • Recovery and Healing Workshops
  • Mentoring services (available in certain counties)

Awareness workshops are also available for parents, school personnel, treatment providers and other groups, to provide information and education about grief in relation to addiction, overdose and other challenging circumstance.

Contact Information 



Referral Information 

Services are available to children up to age 18 and their families who reside in Camden, Gloucester, and Essex counties. 


Funder Information 

US Department of Justice, Office of Victims Crime 


Trauma & Victim Response